Speaking Topics
Debbie Salter Goodwin speaks to help women discover lessons that shape their spiritual lives. If you have a retreat or other event coming up, consider how one of the following possibilities might meet your needs. I'm happy to talk to you about shaping any for time or theme. Just contact me.

Just Count the Stars
Sarah's Place in God's Promise . . . and Yours!

Shining Through
Esther Learns To Shine
in the Dark
Sarah's story reveals God's unfailing love in spite of her headstrong choices and self-protecting control. A four-session retreat includes the following:
The Princess Bride Reclaiming our identity in Christ.
The Back-up Plan Rejecting the need to help God out.
A Time to See Renewing our perspective..
A New Name Receiving who God knows we are.
How Esther shines through a very dark time. A four-session retreat includes:
A Rising Star A fun review with two principles.
Shining Times A time to speak or keep silent, fast or feast and learning the difference.
Facing an Enemy How to face an enemy without a fight.
Shining Through Commit to shine in spite of darkness.

A Heart for God

A Four Session Retreat/Conference:
A Trusting Heart The unfailing love of God grows trust.
A Listening Heart A quiet heart listens.
An Obedient Heart Obedience recognizes God's will.
A Heart for Growth Getting ready to grow! .
The Praying Parent Praying for/with children of any age.
Heart-changing Prayer Learn how to prayer about growth.
Raising Kids to Faith Help children make faith a life journey.
Empowering a Child Empowering your child to become
with Special Needs as independent as is safe and reasonable.

Drama Workshops

Special Presentations
Just for the Play of It A how-to with plenty of ideas.
Quick Start Drama Learn how to use Imagination and games to quick start the drama experience.
Sara Mae's Offering
A costumed presentation about a back hills girl's journey from rebellion to God.
Stories to Warm the Heart
Seasonal and non-seasonal stories.
Ask for a list of titles and themes.
Great for teas or seasonal gatherings.