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Long Journeys at Christmas

Writer's picture: Debbie Salter GoodwinDebbie Salter Goodwin

The Magi receive the award for the longest journey. While no one knows exactly where the Magi started, many connect their origin to Persia because that’s where Nebuchadnezzar asked wise men to interpret his dream. If they came from Persia, they could have traveled close to 800 miles! Add to that the necessity to travel by night to follow the star, and their journey took much longer than four weeks of Advent!

I’ve often thought about these eastern scientist-astrologers who followed a star only to find what all scientists look for: the origin of life!

Perhaps we should put a modern-day scientist in our nativity scene, a white lab coated worshiper with a microscope and telescope to remind us of the enormous truth we too quickly overlook. God brought a group of gentile scientists to Him the way they knew best, through the science and astrology they spent their lives studying. That gives me hope that God knows how to find the way into any heart. He knows what truth or mystery will bring them to their knees. The story of the Magi gives me hope for the cynical, the calculating, the doubters, and the stubborn.

I wish we knew what happened to these faithful travelers after they left Jesus. Did they hear about the one who taught and healed and wondered if it was the one who received their gifts? Did they keep an open place in their hearts and continue to look where God led them to more Truth?

What I do know is that this story teaches we should make our journeys to Christmas as prepared and focused as theirs. We must remember that the journey is just as important as the destination. We should expect our own “guiding star” from God to keep us alert to what He wants us to find this Christmas. More love? More forgiveness. More faith? More wisdom? More hope? More of anything He knows will make our journeys all they need to be, no matter how long they are.

Let Every Heart Prepare . . .

  • What long journey has God led you to make?

  • What did you learn on the journey that was just as valuable as the destination?

  • What Christmas learning journey are you on now?What are you learning?

Have you received your complete Advent Guide, "Let Every Heart Prepare?" If not, you can click below. It is four weeks of Advent readings leading to the day the after Christmas. Today's post is Wednesday from week three.


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