Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and Sunday is the beginning of Advent. It feels like they run together. but maybe they should. Gratitude certainly is a forerunner of joy.
Both need an intention of the heart, especially as we turn toward Christmas We say we want our Christmas to rise above the cacophony and chaos of our culture. If we mean it, we can’t borrow the world's excesses and focus. This doesn’t just mean to simplify; it means to determine that everything we do from decoration to gift-buying takes us to the manger and the reason Jesus came.
Isaiah gives us a good reminder here:
Prepare the way for God to come.
Make the path straight and clear.
Let nothing distract you from seeing the heart of God through Jesus.
(Isaiah 40:3, my paraphrase)
For many years, there have been two ways I start getting ready for Christmas. First, I place our Advent wreath and candles at the center of our daily meal table. The second is to set up our nativity scene, sometimes without all the figures in place. It’s my way of making a place for Jesus before I make a place for anything else.
I also have used a daily Advent guide for more years than I have been providing one through this blog. A pointed Advent devotional orients me and, keeps me centered on the reason for the season. This year I am offering "Let Every Heart Prepare." It shares a brief devotional and a few ideas to help you prepare your heart. You can download a copy below. Or write me, and I'll send you a copy.
Do we really believe that the reason for the season is Jesus? Do we know how to celebrate him as our mission and message? We all need help here. I hope you will consider using "Let Every Heart Prepare" to guide you through this wonderful season.
Since Christmas began in the heart of God, we should start in our heart, too. We need this journey of the heart. Let's take it together. Here are some ways to get started.

Let Every Heart Prepare . . .
Click the button below to download your copy of "Let Every Heart Prepare." Decide your best time to read it.
Purchase or make a simple Advent wreath with four candles Traditionally the wreath uses 3 pink and 1 purple candle with a white center Christ candle. You can purchase a set online or at a religious supply store or simply add your own candles to your wreath. Light week one’s candle every day or at least on Sunday.. Ask God to show you His Light as you prepare for Christmas.
What will you use as your first Christmas decoration that will remind you how the reason for the season is Jesus!