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Writer's pictureDebbie Salter Goodwin

A Christian Response to Political Chaos

Division, arguments, finger-pointing, and people-bashing. The political landscape is full of these responses as election day is near. We complain about the plight of our political outlook, and for good reason.  Nothing or no one has brought unity or peace. Morality is a mute issue.  Chaos hovers.

What is a Christian’s response to the mess we find ourselves in?  How do we talk about the issue on everyone’s mind without sarcasm, argument, or put-downs? 

Believe it or not, God’s Word instructs us clearly and specifically.  Shouldn’t we at least give God’s strategy a good try before we throw up our hands in despair? How does God want us to behave in politically charged times? Consider the following directions from scripture:

1.       Don’t worry or fret about it

Do not fret because of . . . wrongdoers,           for they will soon fade.  Psalm 37:1, NRSV

Worry never solved a problem.  It is a useless response to anything unsettling. The act of worrying emphasizes everything we have no control over.  The deeper it takes us, the worse we feel.  Give worry a rest.  Reject it as an enemy that will infect your attitude.

2.      Be careful around unbelievers.

Be careful to live properly among your unbelieving neighbors. I Peter 2:12 NLT

Don’t we believe God is working His plan even when we don’t see His work?  That confidence should inform how we talk about chaos or uncertainty, especially with people who don’t share confidence in God’s unseen work. Engaging in conversations that promote division or fear can close the door where God wants to work. 

3.      Submit to authority in attitude and practice.

Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every authority instituted among men. I Peter 2:14-15 NIV

This verse offers submission as an undebatable attitude for the Christian.  The only exception is when any man-made authority requires us to participate in something God instructs explicitly against. Peter reminded his readers that God can use government authorities to work His will.  We may not like or understand what is happening, but we trust God because He sees what we can’t.  His plan will succeed. We echo that underlying hope, no matter what the circumstances indicate.

4.      Set your heart on higher realities.

Since you have been raised to new life with Christ, set your sights on the realities of

heaven, where Christ sits in the place of honor at God’s right hand. Think about the things of heaven, not the things of earth. Colossians 3:1-2 NLT

While we live in a broken world, we are aiming for life in heaven.  We acknowledge where chaos thrives while we look forward to the place where order and peace will flourish without interruption.  We also ensure we do not add to the chaos with our words or actions.

5.      Don’t argue.

Keep reminding them of these things. Warn them before God against quarreling about words; it is of no value, and only ruins those who listen. 2 Timothy 2:14


Again, the Bible is clear. Paul counsels Timothy, a young preacher in the making, to “warn” his people “against quarreling about words.” Why?  Because “it is of no value and only ruins those who listen.”  Don’t participate in ruining people.  We are people of Light who build others up. When winning an argument is more important than protecting a relationship, where do you think the problem lies?


Before the Bill of Rights gave us free speech, God proposed we adopt redeemed speech.  We pass our words and thoughts through the Holy Spirit for Him to clean, correct, edit, remove, or reform.  We ask Him to guard our hearts and the thoughts and fears that fill them.  We ask Him to guard our mouths so that our words build up, protect, and uphold God’s plan and principles. 

These scriptures help us to fulfill God’s call to be Light in a dark world.  People are attracted to light.  Of course, we acknowledge this is a difficult time. We confess that we don’t know what is going to happen.  But we also remind anyone we can that we know Who is really in charge and live in the truth that God will either change what is happening or change us to live victoriously despite difficult circumstances.

This is our time to shine not whine.

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