For the Journey

Check out these resources
to inform your Christian life . . .

The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry by John Comer
John Comer is a pastor who knows what hurry did to his own life and the lives of the people he pastors, With wit and transparency, he debunks the myth that hurry is a spiritual gift and shares ways to eliminate hurry.
Sabbath As Resistance: Saying No to the Culture of Now by Walter Brueggemann,
This book convicts me as few others have. Bruggemann starts with why the post-Exodus people desperately needed Sabbath because of Pharaoh. He makes us confront the truth that our wanting more, being more, doing more perspective is Pharaoh-driven. He reminds us that God was not a workaholic and does not condone anxiety-producing work as something to be applauded. True sabbath keeping always reflects God’s image of restfulness over restlessness. Short and to the point, I highly recommend it
What Does Your Soul Love: Eight Questions that Reveal God's Work in You
by Gem and Alan Fadling
Using 8 key questions, the authors take us on a journey of spiritual formation. They help reveal where we are stuck, afraid, or ready to move forward.
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels, Nonfiction,
by Kenneth E. Bailey
This in-depth study of Jesus and his teaching unlocks the middle eastern culture and perspective. This book is a treasure for serious Bible students and teachers.

The Divine Conspiracy
By Dallas Willard
Dallas Willard reminds us that the life of Christ can be our life as we follow him in a fluid, connected intimacy. Opting for a casual following short-changes everything Jesus offers us in his death and resurrection. The book is 400 pages and heavy reading but not impossible. I read it in 10–20-minute chunks so that I could assimilate the information better. It will be my go-to reference for everything related to living the abundant life Jesus promised.
Invitation to Solitude and Silence
By Ruth Haley Barton
The importance of creating space for silence where we expect to hear what God says is incalculable. I found the author's thoughts inspiring and her suggestions doable.
Liturgy of the Ordinary
by Tish Harrison Warren
Wife, mother, and Anglican priest takes the ordinary things of life, from peanut butter sandwiches to losing her keys and makes them God-moments of discovery and anchoring. A Christianity Today book of the year in 2018.