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Looking for a Place
to Grow?

Do you need a place where you can grow?  Do you want an intimate relationship with God that allows you to hear God's whisper, experience His longing for you and treat surrender and obedience as the serious joys God intended them to be?  Find resources here help you grow closer to the One Who made you. Take a look around.  Share your email below and start receiving a bi-monthly inspirational devotional designed to help you embrace the empowering and unfailing love of God .

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Free Devotional Resource 

for Lent

Take to the Cross . . . 

is a forty-day calendar

shares a scripture, short 

paragraph and reflection

questions. You can get your

copy by clicking the button

below and providing your

and email. 

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inspirational bi-monthly devotional.

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Do you need a quiet circle for your noisy world? That's the focus on my weekly blog Here you will find a growth lesson or a little encouragement for your week.  You can sign up  in the box above. Check  out  samples below this panel..


I share what I'm reading here.  Books can open conversations about subjects to make us think, remember, or act on.   Let's read together.


I share devotional guides that I have prepared for Advent, Lent, and special series.  Make sure you've signed up for my weeklly bog and you will automatically receive information about seasonal and other guides and resources. Check them out here.

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Sometimes I find helpful ideas, inspiring stories, or a link to a tool or articulation on some topic here.  I'll share them when they connect with something I have written about or to share someone else's expertise. 


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